Monday, August 29, 2011

08/29: Mrs. Case

My 2nd grade teacher scared the shit out of me.
She was the meanest lady ever.
She always ate a tomato for lunch,
with salt sprinkled on it.
She usually forgot the salt shaker in her desk,
so she'd send one of her mini minions to go get it.
I remember she asked me to do it once
and I quivered with fear at her request.
I used to have super long hair back then,
and while we were all sitting on the floor,
listening to her read stories to us or whatever,
my friends used to like braiding my hair or playing with it.
One time, while someone was sitting behind me
and braiding my hair,
Mrs. Case said, with contempt and disgust in her voice:
"I can't believe you allow their greasy hands in your hair".
Pretty much ruined it for me.
She also traumatized me from blowing my nose in front of people.
We had a box of kleenex in the classroom,
it was on a low bookcase near the doorway of the room,
I was over there taking care of business,
when she hollered at me.
Apparently I was supposed to face the wall when I blew my nose.
She called me out in front of everyone
and made me feel like a real sicko for blowing my nose.
Now I always have to turn away from others when I blow my nose.
It's something that has stuck.

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